Home Guide How to Create a Blog Free Guide 2024

How to Create a Blog [and Make Money Online] Free Guide 2024


How to Create a Blog [and Make Money Online] Free Guide – Looking for how to create a blog? You’ve read the right article! Until now, blogs or weblogs are still one of the most popular topics on the Internet. This online journal is a medium for various things, from just writing to a professional career.

How to Create a Blog [and Make Money] Free Guide

Table of Contents

How to Create a Blog [and Make Money Online] Free Guide 2024

If you open this page, you can guess that you are interested in starting a blog, right? Well, in this article, we’ll cover everything you need to do to create a blog. We will also explain how to make your blog crowded with visitors. Listen to the end, OK?

What is a blog, anyway?

According to Wikipedia, a weblog is one type of website that contains writing on various topics. Usually, posts (which we call posts) are displayed in reverse chronology. The weblog will display the most recent posts, which are then followed by old posts.

They also take various forms, such as digital magazines, personal notes, online exhibitions, and even learning websites. Usually, a weblog consists of text, images, videos, and other important pages. Audiences can write comments and communicate virtually with the owner or author of this electronic journal.

If you still need further explanation, please read our article that discusses what a blog is in more detail.

What’s the difference between a blog and a website?

The first thing that distinguishes blogs and websites is the comments column. As already mentioned, weblogs have a comment section where audiences and bloggers can communicate. The communication that exists is two-way communication. Meanwhile, the website has no comments column at all.

Then, blogs are dynamic because the content is always updated, while websites are static because the pages in them are rarely updated. For example, product pages, service information, and About Us.

Another differentiator is the author’s name, posting date, and category. On a weblog, these three elements are clearly visible at the top of the post. Meanwhile, you cannot find these three elements on the website.

How to Create a Personal and Professional Blog

In this section, we will discuss how to create a blog, starting from choosing a hosting provider to installing a blog management platform. Not only that, but we will also provide various tips on creating a blog so that in the future you can be successful.

There are 7 steps to creating a blog that makes money:

  1. Define niches
  2. Choose the right web hosting
  3. Register a domain name
  4. Install a blog management platform
  5. Publish content and grow the blog
  6. Promote blogs
  7. Start making money through blogging

Next, we will explain the above points in more detail. You can do the way to create a blog that we explain here to create a personal or business blog for your company or expertise.

#1. Define a niche

What are niches? Niche is the topic or area that is the main focus of your blog. Yes, one way to create an interesting personal or professional blog is to review the topics you like.

For example, if you work as a musician, you can choose a niche blog about music. However, because the topic of music is so broad, look for a specific area to determine the right niche. For example, you could review hip-hop or pop songs.

If you are currently running a project or building an online business, you can also share information about services, products, and the company’s vision and mission through a blog.

Readers who are interested in the discussion presented will stop by your blog. You can also acquire new users easily. A win-win solution, right?

Choosing a blog niche does take a long time. But, by following the steps below, niche selection can be easier. Here’s how to choose a blog niche:

  1. Make a list of the things you enjoy or are good at.
    It can be about work, daily activities, or gardening activities.
  2. Find and research blogs with the same niche.
    Check the target market to find out whether the chosen niche can be dug deeper or not. Take note of the content reviewed on individual blogs, for example, a specific glossary, tutorial, or project.
  3. Define a more specific niche.
    For example, gardening is a very broad topic. Surely there are many blogs covering this topic. So, narrow down the subject by discussing how to grow vegetables for beginners or how to turn gardening into a fun activity for kids.
  4. Find out which niches are ‘selling’.
    Are there any selling products within the selected niche? Does the product use AdWords? And do competitors’ blogs offer ad space or place banners? Check all of these things to determine your next steps.
  5. Choose a niche that you are good at.
    Every reader wants to get complete information and satisfy their curiosity. If you only ‘simply’ write posts, blog readers will also get ‘half-half’ information. So, ditch the topics you don’t like and find a niche that you really understand.
  6. Look at blogs with the same niche often.
    Something that competitor blogs fail to cover can be an interesting niche to review.

#2. Choose the right web hosting

After determining the blog niche, the next step is to choose web hosting. This web hosting allows you to make your website online so that people can visit your blog.

However, before deciding to choose a web hosting platform, try asking yourself the following:

  • Do you want to create a blog that will bring in high traffic?
  • Is the setup process easy?
  • Is there customer assistance or Customer Support?
  • Are there features available to create a functional and professional blog?
  • How much is the subscription fee? What are you looking for cheap or premium hosting?

After finding the answer, please choose the right hosting type for your blog. There are several types of hosting available for creating a blog, which we will explain below.

Shared Hosting

If you want to start how to create a blog for beginners, you can subscribe to shared hosting.

This type of hosting hosts multiple websites on the same physical server. All resources (such as disk space, RAM, and bandwidth) are distributed to each website.

Shared hosting servers are always optimized and monitored so that every website has the same power.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of shared hosting.


  • It’s cheap and easy to use.
  • Uptime and server updates are managed by the hosting provider.
  • 24/7 customer support.
  • Has a 1-click installer tool to install a blog management platform.


  • Sharing server resources with other users.
  • Limited configuration options.
  • No root access.

Shared Hosting

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is intended for online business owners and large-scale websites. This service combines the sophistication of servers and the simplicity of shared hosting.

Even though it’s bigger than shared hosting, cloud hosting is still the right platform to learn to blog. You will get more resources and don’t have to worry if the incoming traffic starts to increase.

Unlike shared hosting, all available resources will be completely yours. With cloud hosting, your blog has more room to grow.


  • Dedicated resource and IP address.
  • 24/7 customer support.
  • Resources just for you alone.
  • Has a 1-click installer tool to install a blog management platform.
  • Allows upgrading accounts from shared hosting.


  • Compared to shared hosting, the subscription fee per month is higher.
  • Limited configuration options.
  • No root access.

Cloud Hosting

VPS Hosting

A virtual private server, or VPS for short, is a hosting service that provides more freedom and control for its users. However, its operation is quite difficult, especially for those of you who are not familiar with server management.

If you just want to dabble in how to make your own blog, we recommend choosing another hosting instead of this VPS hosting. For example, you can use Hostinger’s best free hosting service to learn to blog.

However, if you really want to create a bigger project other than a blog, this virtual server is the most appropriate choice.


  • Grant root access to the user.
  • Dedicated IP address and resources.
  • Users have complete freedom and control over the environment and the website.
  • Users can change settings from the server side.


  • Requires users to understand technical knowledge.
  • Requires that the user has server management capabilities.
  • Bersifat unmanaged.
  • More difficult operation than other types of hosting.

VPS Hosting

Hostinger also provides WordPress hosting services that are equipped with LiteSpeed ​​servers and LSCWP cache plugins to maximize blog performance. The initial costs are also friendly and suitable for beginner bloggers with a minimal budget.

If you have decided on web hosting, you can proceed to how to create the next personal or professional blog below.

#3. Register a domain name

A domain name is a unique URL address that each website has. Since the domain name determines the success of your blog, there are many things to consider.

Also, don’t rush to register it. Be careful. If necessary, use the domain name generator tool to get potential domain names.

If there is already a candidate domain, check its availability with the check domain tool. This tool will display domain names combined with various extensions. Choose the extension that you think fits best.

If you are still confused about the terms domain and extension, please check the tutorial on what is a domain.

You can also read the guide on how to buy a domain on Hostinger for a more complete explanation.

#4. Install a blog management platform

Content Management System (CMS) is the most suitable platform if you want to try to create a new blog. With a CMS, you can:

  • Create a blog without having to learn coding and other programming languages ​​first.
  • Publish content and create new content.
  • Dedicate yourself completely to writing content, without having to worry about the technical aspects.
  • Adding new features with the help of plugins and modules.
  • Set the appearance of the blog by applying a free theme in the CMS library.

The best platform we recommend for how to create a blog is WordPress, because of its ease of management and all the excellent features it offers.

Actually, there is another platform that you can use to create a free blog, namely Blogspot. However, the features it provides are not as complete as WordPress. For more details, please read our tutorial on how to create a Blogspot.

How to Create a Blog Using WordPress

This platform is our most recommended if you want to start how to create a personal blog. This is because WordPress provides easy blog management through its intuitive dashboard.

We are also WordPress users because we use this CMS as a blog management platform for Hostinger tutorials.

After choosing a web hosting platform and domain name, proceed to the following method to create a blog.

  1. Login to your cPanel. For Hostinger, you can openhttps://hpanel.hostinger.com/
  2. Look for the option to install WordPress. If using Hostinger, the installation can be done by selecting Automatic Installation under Website.
  3. Select WordPress. A new page will appear.
  4. Fill in the requested details. This information includes the things below.
    • Check that your domain name is correct.
    • Fill in the Administrator UsernamePassword, and Administrator Email. This login information will be used to access your WordPress dashboard or admin area.
    • Enter your Website Title. Your blog name is usually written here. This name can be changed later from the Site Identity settings in the WordPress dashboard.
    • Select your preferred Language.
    • Select Always update to the latest version to get the latest security patches and features.
  5. Select Install, and wait for it to finish.
  6. Access the Admin Area to manage the blog. To do this, type [domainanda.com]/wp-adminin the browser.
  7. Choose a theme for your blog. To do so, click Appearance to see a collection of free WordPress themes. Choose the theme you want. Or, read our article on free WordPress themes to Beautify Your Website.
  8. Install the required plugins. Click Plugins to see a collection of free plugins. Plugins will improve the functionality of your blog.

Here are three plugins that are mandatory for every type of blog:

  • Yoast SEO – optimize posts to be SEO-friendly.
  • Akismet Anti-Spam – protects comments from spam.
  • Jetpack – offers a suite of features for security systems, performance, statistics, and much more.

How to Write a Blog on WordPress

  1. Click Pages and create a new page. You can create About Us, Contact Us, etc. pages.
  2. Click Posts to see a list of blog posts. Select  Add New to create a new post.

Finished! You have also successfully completed how to create a personal or professional blog using WordPress.

Once these steps are complete, it’s time to write and publish content, and implement a strategy to grow your blog.

#5. Publish content and grow the blog

To start growing your blog, you need to create posts and some important pages that should be on your blog. Below, we will discuss several blog development methods and strategies so that your blog is full of visitors.

#1. How to Write an Interesting Blog

Before starting the steps below, you must first do keyword research according to the topic you are going to write about. Later, these keywords are useful for optimizing your blog for search engines so that traffic is busy. Please read our article to find out how to do effective keyword research.

Here’s how to write an interesting blog:

  1. Create an outline first.
    You can start how to make a blog article by creating a framework first. Start by listing the main talking points of your post. You can start building headings first, outlining the structure from H1 to H5, and placing keywords in them.
  2. Write informative and useful posts.
    After writing the main points, the next way to create blog articles is to develop your writing. When writing posts, think about your target audience. Never publish content you don’t know or don’t have time to dig into.
  3. Add eye-catching visuals.
    As a blogger, of course, you hope that readers will continue to visit your blog. Apart from ensuring quality content, you also need to be creative. To make it interesting, add photos, graphics, or other visual media that match your writing style to your content or posts.
  4. Avoid seasonal words or phrases.
    Seasonal words or phrases here include specific non-repeating dates, months, years or seasonal trends (eg “Eid 2021”). Do not add these words or phrases to the post URL as this will make your post out of date. If you want to add it, put it in an area that is easy to change, for example in the body of the content or post title.
  5. Check the spelling and readability of the article.
    This step is also important in how to write interesting blog articles. Re-read your writing through previews and position yourself as a reader or layman. Is the writing easy to read? Easy to understand? Not circling? Try asking yourself this. Apart from that, you can also check spelling and grammar using online tools.
  6. Add CTAs (Call-to-actions).
    CTA or call-to-actions can be in any text form, for example inviting readers to subscribe to newsletters, read related posts, buy products, upgrade services, etc. Every blog post must have at least one CTA even if the form is simple, such as inviting readers to leave comments in the column provided.
  7. Activate the comment column on each post.
    Thus, visitors can communicate virtually with you. Ask for opinions or suggestions and criticisms about posts or what they want to read later on your blog.
  8. Do not immediately expect your blog will be crowded.
    A post takes a long time to appear on the start page of search engines like Google. However, this should not dampen your enthusiasm. Keep on making quality posts. Little by little, build a blog that offers solutions for its readers.

#2. Create Important Pages on Your Blog

To make your blog more attractive and invite more visitors, you should create the following important pages:

  • About us (about us). On this page, add information about who you are and why this blog was created. Write down the purpose of the blog, whether it is focused on business matters, hobbies, or personal stories.
  • Contact (contact). On this page, you can display email addresses, social media accounts, email subscriptions, or other contact addresses that make it easy for readers to communicate with you.
  • Sidebars/Menu. Columns or bars at the top of the screen, such as blog categories, ads, other static pages, etc.

#3. Create a Strategy to Develop a Blog

Here’s a quick guide to creating a good strategy:

  1. Set goals. Is there anything you would like to achieve by blogging? Try to be specific. For example, you want to bring  3000 readers to your blog at the end of the month or optimize two posts to appear on the first page of Google within two weeks.
  2. Do audience research? Who is the target of your blog? Find out what kind of content they like, common problems, and the social media platforms they use.
  3. List potential topics and keywords. As we discussed earlier, each post must have keywords. Determine the target keywords that can bring your post to the first page of Google. Use tools like Google Keyword PlannerAhrefs Keyword Explorer, and SEMrush Keyword Research. The keywords used must be according to the niche.
  4. Create a regular posting schedule. To keep you consistent and productive, make a schedule for when to blog and when to publish.

After that, you can proceed to the next way to create a blog, which is promoting the blog.

#6. Promote the blog

Because the appearance of posts on Google’s front page takes a long time, the existence of your blog is difficult to know. One way to make your blog known to many people and reach the right audience is to promote it. Spread blog content on social media, create mailing lists, and run backlinks. Find out how your blog is performing in Google Analytics.

Here’s how to make your blog famous and have lots of visitors:

  1. Word-of-mouth promotion.
    Let those closest to you know that you now have your own blog. Ask for their help to spread it through social media. If necessary, add them to the mailing list so you don’t miss the latest content.
  2. Add a blog to a search engine.
    Your blog will be indexedThat means your blog will be added to the search engine sites list. Create an account on Google and select  Submit URL in Webmaster Tools. Apart from Google, you can also add your blog to Bing and other search engines.
  3. Be an active blogger.
    Check out blogs, social media, forums, and other media relevant to your niche. Join related communities to build relationships not only with bloggers but also with audiences.
  4. Be active on social networks.
    In order for the blog to get more visits, the first step you have to take is to follow other blogs within the scope of the niche. Write comments on posts and create connections.
  5. Create a guest blog.
    Offer writing services for posts on other websites or blogs. Make sure the selected blog has a good reputation and uses the same niche.
  6. Organize mailing lists.
    Send emails to readers with the latest articles or upcoming offers. The more people who are waiting for the presence of a blog post, the better the response is given.
  7. Add paid ads or traffic.
    Advertising is seen as one of the best marketing strategies. You can promote your blog by advertising on Facebook or Google AdWords. Only use this option if you really have a budget allocated for advertising.

#7. Start making money through blogging

Apart from being a forum for channeling opinions and sharing information, blogs can also be a main or side income source. Yes, you can try how to get money from the internet through a blog. Approximately, how, yes, how to create a blog that makes money?

  1. Advertise on the blog.
    Choose ads that are specific and relevant to the target audience or according to the topic being written. You can start this strategy using Google Adsense.
  2. Join the affiliate program.
    Through this program, you will work with businesses to promote their products and services. Later you will get a commission. To join this program, your blog must have high and credible traffic. As an affiliate, you will be given an affiliate link to be installed or included on the blog.
  3. Sell ​​products and services.
    You can sell your own products and services on a blog. Install an eCommerce plugin, such as WooCommerce, and make it easy for your audience to search for the product they want, add it to their shopping cart (cart), and make payments.
  4. Create a sponsored post.
    If the blog is already busy, the opportunities for other parties to advertise on your blog are wide open. The purpose of placing ads on blogs with high traffic is to increase exposure. Payment will be based on how many clicks the post has, the number of visits, or transactions.
  5. Turn your blog into an online portfolio.
    Have good writing skills? Turn your blog into a writing service site. You can also organize online workshops on writing or offer yourself as a freelance writer.

If you want to read more, please read our article on how to earn money from a blog.

What is the Best Platform to Blog?

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a platform. Ask yourself, to what extent do you have technical skills? Do you have enough time if you want to start how to create your own blog and manage it?

Also, make sure the blog platform you are looking at actually has features that match your concept and goals. At least you are free to create content, add media, and do other creations so that posts look interesting. Finally, calculate your budget, especially if you don’t want to use a free blog forever and plan to expand it.

#1. WordPress.org

If you are familiar with technical matters and have set aside a certain amount of budget to create a blog, choose a content management system such as WordPress.org. This CMS has been widely used for both blogs and websites. Its use is free. It’s just that, you have to buy a domain and web hosting to be able to operate it.

The level of difficulty in learning its use is quite high. You need time and even have to ask questions or look for sources that can make this type of WordPress easier to operate. Luckily, on the internet, there are lots of tutorials, tips, and tricks, as well as articles discussing WordPress. You can rely on online sources to understand this most popular CMS.

WordPress comes with a live editor. You can change and modify the appearance of your blog using various free and paid themes. For blog posts and pages, the Gutenberg version of WordPress’ block editor offers lots of options and features that are worth checking out.

WordPress also provides plugins to add features and tools, such as SEO tools, security systems, and blog management. After perfecting the blog, you can, you know, make money on the internet. What’s more, you have full control over your blog, right?

#2. WordPress.com

This platform is different from WordPress.org. According to Wikipedia, WordPress.com is a free blog service site that uses the WordPress engine, which provides everything for you. No more looking for a web hosting provider, subscribing to a package, and creating a domain. You can immediately use the free plan which is equipped with sufficient resources, including one subdomain.

How to create a free blog with this platform is much easier. WordPress.com has a library of responsive themes that can be set up and customized. With a live and intuitive block editor, you can create a blog in less than a day and without the need for coding or other technical skills.

Blog management can also be done through the WordPress application which is available on iOS and Android devices.

If you want to get more storage space, activate your own domain, maximize blogging as a source of income, and get help via email and chat, the free plan must be upgraded to a paid plan. The personal package has a yearly payment system even though the subscription fee is calculated at 4 USD/month. If you want to install a plugin, the package chosen is Business with a subscription fee of  25 USD/month.

#3. Medium

Medium is intended for those of you who just want to write and don’t really care about the creation and design aspects of a blog. You can write on a variety of topics that will be read by nearly 100 million registered readers.

There is no fee charged to the author, and it is also quite easy to use. You can write and publish content right away. Its clean and minimalist design will focus visitors’ attention on reading your content. The opportunity to be on the first page of search engines is also quite high because Medium has a domain authority of 96.

Besides being able to be read by millions of subscribers, the content you write can also be monetized through the Medium Partner Program. Later articles are recommended to readers who have subscribed. But keep in mind, the article must first pass a quality check conducted by the Medium editorial team. Payment for your articles is based on the number of readers and will be sent monthly.

#4. Tumblr

Tumblr is a very popular blogging platform among young people. The content is interactive and the system is almost similar to social media. People can follow each other’s blogs. The niches or topics covered are varied so that the communities within them are more varied.

Creating a free blog is one of the hallmarks of Tumblr. All you have to do is create an account and use the subdomain that has been provided unless you already have your own domain. Those who are using Tumblr for the first time, they might be a little confused when operating the dashboard because this area also functions as a feed.

There are seven types of posts on Tumblr, namely text, quotes (quotes), links (links), chat (chat), photos, videos, and audio. Readers can leave comments, like, reblog, and even share posts. Another feature of Tumblr is that users can add hashtags to their content.

Tumblr has a library that contains various collections of themes that can be selected and managed. However, there is a limit to how many changes a user can make.

#5. Blogger

Blogger is often turned to by people who want to know how to create a personal blog. This is inseparable from the simplicity of the system provided and also the absence of the need to subscribe to hosting. You are only required to have a Gmail account in order to run this free platform. One subdomain will also be provided during registration and account creation.

The Blogger dashboard is designed to be as easy as possible so that new users can immediately start creating their own blogs. Starting from installing templates, adding widgets, uploading media files, to publishing posts. Even better, Blogger has integrated Google AdSense so you can immediately earn income through your blog. To share content, use the Google+ service and the built-in share button. If you want to know the performance of the blog, there is a  statistics report feature that shows the data.

Blogging Tips for Beginners to Successfully Make a Blog

If you want to be successful, you have to make careful planning. In addition to providing more efficient results, having clear goals and views will make it easier for you to complete each job.

Likewise with the blog that is currently owned. You can’t just stop the search for how to make a good blog. However, you also have to understand how it works. Each post generates organic traffic and brings new readers to the blog. For this reason, you must have a goal of wanting to present what kind of content blog visitors deserve to read.

Here are some of the best blogging guides and tips:

#1. Learn basic things about SEO

Search engine optimization is one of the skills that you must have if you want your blog to appear on the front page of Google. By understanding SEO, you can compete fairly with other bloggers. You also know how to write or create SEO-friendly content while sticking to a niche.

#2. Do research on competitors

As a new blogger, you have to know who is your competition in the same niche. Apart from being more aware, researching competitors also provides ideas and ideas in creating new content.

To do this, make a list of 5-10 blogs that rank well. Then, use a specialized tool, such as SimilarWeb, to generate a performance report.

Although the free version provides limited statistical data, you can still view data for   organic and paid keywords. From this report, you can determine what kind of content should be published on the blog.

#3. Plan content creation

Create a spreadsheet and add potential ideas to it. Start with a general topic, then narrow it down by elaborating on more specific topics. If there is a specific topic that is really mastered, you can use it as the main content.

After publishing it, don’t immediately expect that the post will bring in many new readers. So, you have to be patient while still posting quality content. Activate the schedule feature to publish articles automatically and monitor your blog’s progress.

#4. Check the loading time of the blog

Not only does the ranking of blogs in search engines, loading time also affects visitor behavior. If the blog page takes longer to load, readers don’t hesitate to click the exit or exit button.

To check the loading speed of blog pages or content, use a tool, such as Pingdom or GTmetrix.

Meanwhile, to optimize pages to speed up loading, check image sizes, install caching plugins, or subscribe to hosting that offers server speed.

#5. Perform blog maintenance

Let’s say there are two types of blogs. Blog A contains good content but there are errors in a number of areas and the installed plugins don’t work at all. Meanwhile, blog B has a good performance from all sides. Which do you think readers will choose? Of course blog B, right?

Maintain the blog by updating CMS software, plugins, and themes. Make a schedule to back up the site and check for broken links in previous posts. Database optimization and complete articles with the latest valid data and information.

#6. Regular content audits

The way to make your personal or professional blog even cooler is to audit the content. Check blog posts regularly and update any information that is available. Give actual articles to readers.

If there are two posts discussing the same topic, combine the two topics. On the other hand, if there are posts that you think are no longer relevant, you are free to delete them. Create a 301 error page to direct readers from the deleted post to the most recent post. Finally, remove all broken links.

#7. Create social media accounts

Building a persona online is not an easy matter. Fortunately, in this online era, there is already social media. This platform makes it easy for anyone who wants to perfect their online persona on the internet.

Having a social media account means opening wider opportunities for user engagement. You can share new articles, plans for future articles, and articles that have been updated with the latest information.

Facebook and Twitter are examples of social media with a large following. In addition to building friendships with blog readers, you can also ask for feedback from them. In this way, you will also know what they are really experiencing and feeling.

Social media is also a powerful marketing strategy because it can attract new readers or visitors. If your content is useful, they will not hesitate to share it via social media channels. Gradually, the blog will develop and opportunities to make money are also increasingly wide open.

#8. Tulis guest post

Guest blogging or guest posts are articles that you write on other websites and include one or two links that lead to your blog. By creating a guest post, you have the opportunity to introduce your blog to a wider audience. Apart from that, guest posting is also a strategy to get external links or links from other websites.

Then, how do you write guest posts on other websites or blogs?

  1. Do some research. Look for blogs and bloggers who have a good reputation in the niche and industry that you are currently in. See how they write their content. Consider style, voice, or tone to achieve uniformity. After that, read the conditions set for the guest post.
  2. Establish a connection. Write comments, share content, subscribe to newsletters, and follow their social media accounts. Dare yourself to join the community and convey if you have the same values ​​or views.
  3. Request approval to write guest posts. Submit a draft of the article and wait for their response.
  4. Create quality content. If they agree, create informative content. Include two internet links, one to your blog and one to another online resource. Add a short sentence that invites readers to write suggestions and criticisms in the comments column.
  5. Follow up. Check articles frequently after publication. Answer questions in the comments column or maybe make a new guest post. Continue to communicate with the blog owner.

#9. Use Google Analytics

One way to make a blog more successful and able to compete with competitors is to check the amount of incoming traffic.

Traffic seems to tell what the audience is looking for and wants. You can use these results to create content.

The best tool to check the number of visitors, their behavior, and other social metrics is Google Analytics.

There is no fee to be paid to run this software. Every blogger and website owner can record everything related to the audience.

If what you’re looking for is how to create a blog with WordPress, this guide to adding Google Analytics to your CMS platform is worth reading.

#10. Add new content to Google

Every day thousands of new websites are created and millions of blog articles are published. It’s no wonder that Google and other search engines take time to index new content. Fortunately, there is a ‘shortcut’ so that your content can be indexed.

Adding a content page or blog to Google Search Console will make it easier for you to:

  • Monitor blog performance.
  • Receive alerts in case something goes wrong on your blog.
  • Using various testing tools.
  • Get more insight and learning materials.

This strategy will also ‘force’ Google to crawl your blog or content.

Apart from entering keywords, strengthening the blog profile by building backlinks is also important. Even now, backlinks are one of the factors that influence Google in ranking a website or blog.

Publishing a lot of content at once or updating posts with quality information is not enough. If you want your blog to appear on Google search pages, at least you have to get links from other websites (backlinks).

To understand this strategy, please read our article on how to get quality backlinks.

#12. Don’t give up quickly and stay consistent

How to create a personal or professional blog so that it is visited by many readers requires a lot of time. It’s no wonder that for some people, blogging is a long-term investment

Blogs don’t necessarily appear on Google’s SERP, especially when they’re still new. According to some SEO specialists, there is a period of time when your content is ‘buried’ and finally ‘realized’ by Google (also called Google Sandbox ).

So, don’t immediately get prejudiced if the blog hasn’t surfaced yet. Wait a few moments, and see the performance of the blog on Google.

Tools for Blog Optimization

Whether it’s how to create a personal or professional blog, you need important tools to manage each post. Especially if you plan to add images, or edit content, or publish scheduled posts.

#1. Image Optimization

Apart from making the blog more attractive, the use of images also increases the SEO-friendly factor.

Here are our recommendations:

  • Unsplash (Free). This site provides millions of high-resolution images. You can download it for free and use it for personal or commercial blogs.
  • Pixabay (Free). You can choose a variety of images for the blog.
  • Life of Pix (Free). This site also provides various collections of interesting images for your blog.
  • Death to Stock (Paid). If you want a unique and unmarketable image, switch to the premium images provided by this website.

#2. Blog Design and Display

The attractive appearance and design of the blog will amaze blog visitors. If you don’t have design skills or you doubt you can produce an elegant look, use the best design tools below.

Here are our recommended blog design tools:

  • Canva.
    The free version includes 1 GB of storage, thousands of templates, photos, and graphics. You can also export your designs in PDF, PNG, and JPG formats. Canva also allows collaboration between team members.
  • Vism.
    Use this tool to add infographics, blog banners, social media graphics, charts, videos, and much more. With the free plan, you can create up to 5 designs with a capacity of 100MB. Premium plans are available for 14 USD to  25 USD/month paid annually.
  • The Noun Project.
    One way to make a blog more attractive is to add an icon. With this platform, you can create icons. The icons provided in the free version have Creative Commons inscriptions. The premium version of the icon without Creative Commons writing is available for 2.99 USD.
  • Pixlr.
    You can use this tool to remove the background and other elements that you don’t want. The Premium plan is available for  3.99 USD/month. With this plan, you will get advanced features and no ads.
  • PicMonkey.
    Apart from being a premium photo editor, PicMonkey also functions as a design tool. With this tool, you can improve image quality, add text, and apply filters or effects. This platform is available in a mobile version on iOS and Android. This tool can be tried for free for seven days. After that, you have to pay 72 USD/year to access  1 GB of cloud storage, a library of top-tier fonts, premium effects, tools, and templates.

#3. Online Community for Learning Blogs

It is very important for a blogger to build communication with their readers and followers. Create an online community on the blog and open discussions with visitors.

  1. Facebook Groups
    The number of Facebook users is predicted to increase to 1.69 billion. With the Facebook Group activated it is very likely that your posts will appear in other users’ feeds.
  2. LinkedIn
    How to create a blog so that it has lots of visitors is to introduce it through a community or group on LinkedIn. Although not as big as Facebook, LinkedIn has 690 million users.
  3. Reddit
    The number of monthly visits on Reddit reaches over one billion. With this pretty fantastic number, your blog posts can bring in high traffic.

#4. Blog Promotion Tool

One way to make a blog better known to people is to promote it through social media platforms. If you have multiple social media accounts, the following tool will help you make it easier to publish blog posts.

  • Hootsuite
    You can schedule and publish posts on social media according to a predetermined time. Hootsuite’s free version allows you to manage 3 (three) social media accounts, schedule up to 30 posts, and integrate them with basic applications. The premium version is available for  19 USD/month. With the premium version, the number of posts that are allowed to be published is unlimited, and you can display performance metrics as insights on your blog.
  • Buffer
    An alternative way to make your personal or professional blog come alive is Buffer. Set the schedule on each social media account, and check the timeline through the calendar. The basic plan is available for 12 USD/month and is paid annually. Later you can manage eight social media accounts and set a publication schedule for up to  100 posts.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blogs

Below we have summarized answers to some of the most common questions about blogging.

What are the benefits of being a blogger?

There are a number of reasons why until now there are still many people who type in the keywords how to create a blog in search engines. One of them is the blog is known as a platform to hone writing skills and other creativity.

Even though blogging is closely related to writing activities, the following reasons can be the basis for why you should have a blog from now on.

Here are the benefits of being a blogger:

  • For self-development. In general, bloggers use blogs as a place to express opinions and deepen their knowledge in a field. Even if managed properly, a blog can be a weapon for displaying a portfolio when you want to find full-time work or freelance work.
  • Increase brand awareness. Not only pursuing profits and profits, business people must also be able to increase brand awareness. By having a blog, you can share information with your audience, even take your business to a higher level, and have a wider reach.
  • Acquire users. Many premium channels ask you to pay a subscription fee (for example, Google Ads) in order to attract attention and acquire new users. If you create a blog, you don’t need to spend money constantly. Although it takes time to generate a lot of traffic, a blog can be a platform that will generate new sales and increase conversions.
  • Easier to track on search engines. To get more organic search ( organic search ), having a blog is one solution. The key is to maintain traffic so that it is always stable.
  • Opportunity to become an influencer. Let’s say you have mastered one area well. By having a blog, you can channel this ability and share it with readers. Managing a blog will build an online persona, forge new relationships, and even introduce your ideas and ideas.

Do we have to understand coding to create a blog?

The answer is No.

How to create a blog doesn’t have to involve coding and other programming languages. In fact, you can try our website builder which will help you create the website or blog you want without any coding!

This tool is equipped with a user-friendly dashboard, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor, and drag-and-drop functionality. With a collection of customizable templates, you don’t have to create a blog from scratch

Another option for beginners is to try how to create a blog on WordPress. This content management system has a slightly more complicated interface and features than free platforms like Blogspot. Even so, with so many websites that review WordPress as well as tutorials, forums, and articles, it’s easy for you to learn about this platform.

For those who want to apply how to create a free personal blog, you can choose Medium. On this platform, you don’t need to subscribe to web hosting and activate the domain. Content creation and publication are Medium’s main focus.

Can the blog name be changed?

The answer is Yes, it can.

You are free to replace the old blog name with the new blog name. However, this replacement will bring a number of consequences. So, when creating a blog name, we recommend careful consideration.

You are allowed to change the blog name if you are in a situation like this:

  • The current blog name is unoriginal or confusing to readers.
  • The blog name and URL do not match.
  • Niche blogging.

Consequences if you change the blog name:

  • Confusing readers who frequently visit your blog, the online persona that is built will feel useless.
  • External links from other sites that point to your blog will be affected.
  • You have to create a  301 redirect page.

How to create a professional email from a blog name?

If you want to make money blogging, you need to have a professional email that includes your blog’s name. To make it, you have to subscribe to web hosting and have your own domain.

Later you will use the blog domain name in the email instead of the email platform name. For example,  yourname@yourblogname.com  instead of  yourname@gmail.com. This way, your email won’t end up in the reader’s spam box.

Hostinger offers Email Hosting services consisting of various attractive packages. The price is affordable, starting from IDR 14,129/month. This service is separate from the general hosting package because it is intended for users whose blogs have been online at other providers.

For those who subscribe to hosting at Hostinger, please check the tutorial on creating a business email or follow the three steps below to create an email:

  1. Enter hPanel, scroll to the  Email section, and select  Email Account.
  2. On the  Create a New Email Account page, enter a name and password.
  3. Click  Create.

How much traffic is needed to get sponsors?

Unfortunately, there is no specific answer. If the blog has received a visit of at least  1000  readers, you can apply for cooperation. The blog must be constantly updated and maintained, showing sponsors that you are serious about this.

Here are some tips for getting blog sponsors:

  • Create media kits. Include a brief introduction about yourself, your blog, and its mission. Add contact information, social media accounts, number of unique visits, page views, page rank, and reader analytics.
  • Proactively find sponsors. If blog traffic is still small, don’t hesitate to find sponsors. Indicate your intention to advertise through blog posts.
  • Make a list of partnerships or collaborations. Do some research and look for potential sponsors to work with you.
  • Join the sponsored posting networkAcorn and TapInfluence are two examples of networks you can join. Complete your profile data and you will be paired with companies that are interested in working with you.

Why hasn’t my blog gotten a lot of traffic yet?

There are many factors that cause a blog to fail, including:

  • Lack of passion. You feel stuck and have no more reasons to run a blog.
  • Wrong choice of niche. The topics you can write about are few and blog management will be increasingly difficult.
  • Just focus on writing. As we explained earlier, visual elements are also important for your online journal.
  • Not implementing SEO practices. And you also don’t seem to ‘care’ whether the content is able to drive more traffic or not.
  • Poor quality content. The information provided is completely useless and of no value. So, why do readers come back to your blog?
  • Promote content the wrong way. It could be the wrong target audience or the content not being made for the blog’s current readers.
  • Blogs are not mobile-friendly. As much as 51.98% of internet traffic comes from mobile device users.

At the end of 2020, the number of bloggers in the United States reached 31.7 million people. What’s more, in the midst of this global pandemic, almost everyone is spending time at home.

So, in a situation like this, there are lots of possibilities for the emergence of new blogs, along with their readers. So, if there are no differentiating factors that make it unique, your blog will fail. Remember to apply the steps on how to create a blog that we describe here so that your weblog is successful.


Now you know how to create a blog and what is needed for your weblog to be successful in attracting readers and increasing the amount of traffic.

If you still have questions about how to create a personal or professional blog or just want to share criticism and suggestions, please leave a comment in the column below. Thanks for reading!

For more articles like this one about how to create a blog [and make money online] free guide, keep coming back to this blog bloggernazruul.com You can find solutions to all of your blogging, SEO, Windows, Android, games, and guides-related difficulties here. Don’t forget to follow us on social media.🥰


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