Home Guide Fix Ffmpeg.dll Missing WhatsApp Here’s How To Solve It 2024

Fix Ffmpeg.dll Missing WhatsApp Here’s How To Solve It 2024


Fix Ffmpeg.dll Missing WhatsApp Here’s How To Solve It – Whatsapp is a social media application often used on smartphones. But not a few also use WhatsApp on a computer or laptop.

Fix Ffmpeg.dll Missing WhatsApp Here's How To Solve ItFix Ffmpeg.dll Missing WhatsApp Here’s How To Solve It 2024

So, usually for those of you who often use WhatsApp on your laptop, you have experienced error problems such as missing Ffmpeg.dll. This problem is one of the errors that can appear if you use the WA application on a computer or laptop.

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With problems like errors, we mean you guys will be disturbed and uncomfortable when using WhatsApp. So of course the missing ffmpeg.dll error problem must be overcome.

If you want to solve the error problem on WhatsApp. Then you can follow the tutorial on dealing with it, which we will prepare in this article. So without lingering, please just read in full below.

Causes of the Missing ffmpeg.dll Error on WhatsApp

Before you solve the missing ffmpeg.dll error problem on WhatsApp. So you have to know in advance the cause of the problem. Apart from that, you also need to know that ffmpeg.dll is one of the important files on the Windows operating system.

Now, with this important file, you can ensure that all applications on your computer or WhatsApp can run smoothly. If the missing ffmpeg file, which is an important file, appears on WhatsApp, of course, the performance of the wa application will be very influential.

For the cause of the error, this important file is probably missing or corrupted ffmpeg.dll file. So of course it will make errors and others.

How to Fix FFmpeg.dll Missing WhatsApp Application

How to deal with this one error is actually very easy. So you don’t need to panic and worry if a ffmpeg.dll error occurs on WhatsApp. Because now many ways can be done to overcome this problem.

If you are curious about the method, you can just look at some of the ways the admin has provided below.

#1. Run SFC (System File Checker)

The first way you have to do is run sfc. For SFC itself, this is a solution to solve many problems, including the ffmpeg.dll error problem. Below we have prepared a way to run SFC to solve the ffmpeg.dll problem.

  1. For the first step, please just open CMD or Command Prompt.
  2. If you have successfully opened CMD, then you only need to type sfc / scannow and then click Enter.
  3. After that, you just need to wait until the SFC scan process is complete.
  4. If the scan process is complete and a notification or notification appears indicating the scan process has been successful, then next, please just restart your respective laptop or computer.
  5. Finished!

#2. Clear the WahstaApp Application Cache

Maybe many WhatsApp users don’t know that if there is a cache that has accumulated on WhatsApp, it can cause the ffmpeg.dll error. Therefore, you must immediately clean the cache or trash.

If you are still confused about how to clear your WhatsApp cache. So you don’t need to worry, because you can just follow the tutorial that we have provided below.

  1. First, please just click the Windows + R button on your laptop or computer keyboard. Then just type temp and hit enter.
  2. Then later you will find many cache folders that appear. Here you only need to clear the cache by pressing CTRL + A and then clicking delete.
  3. Then all you have to do is press Windows + R again, then just type “% temp%” and press CTRL + A, then please delete all existing cache files.
  4. Finally, you only need to enter the Recycle Bin menu and on that menu, please delete all the cache files that you deleted everything earlier.
  5. Finished!.


It seems that our discussion ends here regarding Ffmpeg.dll Missing Whatsapp, Here’s How to Solve it. The tutorial on how to deal with the errors that we have provided above is of course very easy and simple, so please you can just try it right away. Hopefully useful, that’s all and thank you.

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