Home Blogging What are Blogs? Definition of Blog, Blogging, and Blogger 2024

What are Blogs? Definition of Blog, Blogging, and Blogger 2024


What are Blogs Definition of Blog, Blogging, and Blogger

What are Blogs Definition of Blog, Blogging, and Blogger 2024

Basically, the definition of a blog is a “weblog”, which means a website for storing “logs” or notes, which are managed by one or several bloggers.

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What are bloggers? A blogger is a person who creates or owns and maintains a blog, sharing views and perspectives with an audience for personal or business purposes. Blogger is also the name of a blogging service from Google, with the address Blogger.com or what we often encounter as Blogspot.

So, in this article, we discuss various information about blogs, such as what is a blog, is blogging, the history of blogs, various types of blogs, blog functions, differences between blogs and websites, and so on. Happy reading!

What Is Blogging?

Blogging is the activity of managing a blog, such as writing, updating, or adding other elements (e.g. videos) to blog content. This activity is carried out by bloggers by utilizing digital tools on the Internet.

Blogging became popular in the early 2000s when a number of political blogs emerged. A little while later, how-to and tutorial themes started to appear. Since then, this activity has become very popular. However, the question is, why is the activity of managing a blog so famous?

So, after discussing what is a blog and what is blogging, we will explain its history.

History of Blogs and Blogging

The blog was first initiated by  Blogger.com  in August 1999, which was later acquired by Google in 2003. The history of blogs begins with the term ‘Weblog’, which was coined by Jorn Barger on December 17, 1997.

Initially, the activity of managing blogs was mostly done for the news and information segment. Its purpose is much like the pre-existing newspapers, but blogging is growing comparatively faster.

Continuous information updates and the ease of choosing topics according to interests and hobbies are two of the many reasons why people start blogging.

The following year, namely in 2003,  WordPress was launched, offering all the conveniences for people who are interested in starting a blog and becoming a blogger. The blogging website then became famous and attracted the attention of netizens.

Some bloggers, such as  ProBlogger.net  and  JohnChow.com, make their blogs ‘money-making machines’ by cooperating with third parties (in terms of advertising).

Both of them are examples of how you can also try to get money from the internet by blogging online.

Types of Blogs Existing Today

After knowing what a blog is and the history of blogs, we will discuss the types of blogs.

There are 7 types of blogs that are quite popular today, namely:

  1. Personal blog
  2. Niche blogs
  3. Multimedia blogs
  4. News blogs
  5. Company or business blog
  6. Affiliate blogs
  7. Reverse blogging

We will explain the explanation and examples below.

#1. Personal Blog

This type of blog is more focused on the blogger himself, not the audience. Personal bloggers usually make their blogs a journal or documentaries about their life, interests, or hobbies.

Because the goal is to share the personal story of the blogger, this type of blog generally does not only discuss one topic. The blogger can discuss various subjects according to his interests.

An example is  Design for Mankind. Owner Erin Loechner talks about her family, work projects, and self-reflection.

Then, there is also Neil Gaiman’s online journal which focuses on projects and the latest news from the blogger’s life.

#2. Niche Blogs

The next type of blog is a niche blog. This type actually discusses a particular topic, usually related to the interests,  skills, and knowledge of the blogger. For example, if you really like reading books, you could just talk about everything about books.

So, here are the blog niches that are quite popular in the blogging community:

  • traveling. Bloggers who focus on this niche often share stories about their journeys. They share their hobby of traveling on their blog and provide lots of travel tips and guides. A fairly well-known example is  The Blonde Abroad.
  • Fashion. This niche blog discusses the latest fashion trends, such as clothes, styling, and tips when buying fashion-related items. An example of a well-known blogger for this niche is  Jordan Bunker, who talks about menswear.
  • Health and fitness. The most common articles for this niche blog cover topics around exercise, highly nutritious recipes, and tips on maintaining mental health. One example of a blogger who is quite popular in this niche is  Fit Bottomed Girls.
  • Food. In this blog niche, the blogger or food blogger usually shares recipes, restaurant reviews, and reviews of kitchen tools. A popular example is  The Minimalist Baker, which focuses on cooking recipes with just 10 ingredients, or even fewer.
  • Personal finance. This blog niche focuses on financial management, from budgeting tips to side business ideas. An example of a successful blogger in this niche is  The Penny Hoarder.
  • Lifestyle/lifestyle. This niche combines various topics that are of interest to the blogger, for example, fashion with beauty or food with traveling. An example is  A Cup of Jo, a niche lifestyle blog that discusses style, design, and motherhood.

#3. Multimedia Blogs

In terms of appearance and format, this type of blog is like a blog in general, but the content published is of the multimedia type, such as videos and podcasts. So, the priority post is not writing.

In addition, this type of multimedia blog also usually includes video or podcast snippets, tables of contents, and important quotes.

#4. News Blogs

According to its type, the content in this type of blog focuses on actual events, as well as the latest information released in certain industries. Unlike other blogs, news blogs usually do not include personal opinions or content.

#5. Company or Business Blog

This type of blog is usually part of a company website. Several companies use their website to participate in the world of blogging by creating a blog.

The main goal is to attract the target market by posting business-related content. Some companies also use blogs to provide readers with information about changes in their organization.

One cool example of this type of blog is  Mailchimp, which provides marketing tips and materials using its digital marketing software.

In addition, there is also a discussion of client case studies that have been successful using their tool, which can be used as a means of promotion.

Productivity software developer Toggl also has a great business blog. Their posts focus on things around their app’s features, such as recruiting, team management, company culture, and project planning.

#6. Affiliate Blogs

For this type of blog, the focus is affiliate marketing, namely marketing techniques by promoting third-party products and services through online platforms.

The blogger usually provides a link in his post that directs readers to a business’s online store. When someone clicks on the link and buys the product, the blogger will earn money from his blog.

Articles that you will generally find on this type of blog include product reviews, tips, and tricks for buying products, or lists of the best products.

There are also some that focus on one particular blogging niche, such as  Outdoor Gear Lab. They only review outdoor gear products and usually cover products from Amazon.

In addition, there are also affiliate blogs that include products from various categories, such as The Wirecutter from The New York Times.

#7. Reverse Blog

On a reverse blog, content is written by a number of guest writers or guest writers and not bloggers who own it.

The owner may write the articles himself, but his main job is usually to edit and edit the writing of the guest writers.

This type is quite popular among freelance writers because it can help broaden their connections and exposure. Some bloggers also pay freelance writers for the articles they write.

One example of a reverse blog is The Writing Cooperative from Medium which focuses on writing and publishing. They accept submissions from writers on Medium.

Business2Community is also a cool example of this type. Its content consists of thousands of articles coming from business professionals.

Blog Structure

The blog structure consists of several parts, depending on the purpose. However, in general, the blog structure consists of:

  • headers. This section is where the navigation bar is located, which is usually at the top.
  • Content area. This is where the most recent posts or highlights are located.
  • Sidebars. In this area, there is some additional information such as the author’s social media profile and most popular posts.
  • footers. Located at the bottom, which contains information such as privacy policy, disclaimer, and contact information.

Blog Functions and Benefits

There are many reasons why people or companies use blogs. Generally, the goal for people looking to create a blog and then start blogging and become a blogger is to express their thoughts and share information.

Following are the functions and benefits of blogs in general:

#1. As a Sharing Space

Let’s say you love dogs and want to share your hobbies and stories with an audience on the internet. Well, you can pour it through this blog or online journal.

For example, you might be studying fitness and want to write down the results and conclusions of your research. Or maybe you are a businessman and want to offer a product by writing about it on a blog to increase awareness from a larger audience.

#2. To Make Money

Is it true that we can earn income by blogging online? The answer is yes, we can use blogs as a means to earn money.

Actively maintain a blog to build a broad audience. After the traffic your blog gets is high enough, you can use it to make money through advertising or affiliates.

#3. Means of Channeling the Hobby of Writing

Just like websites or journals, blogs also have a structure that is not rigid. This is because this online journal offers a variety of designs and shapes, especially with regular updates.

There are standard and structured features that you will notice when you open and read a blog, so this online journal can be used as a means to channel your writing hobby.

#4. Building Personal Branding

Blogs are a great platform to showcase your skills and knowledge, which can be used to make a good impression and add value in case you need to include a portfolio when applying for a job.

#5. Maximizing Website SEO

Website pages that have a blog will be indexed 434% more in search engines, thereby increasing the chances of ranking higher in the SERPs. Plus, a blog will help people easily find your content when searching for your name or brand online.

#6. Getting New Customers

If indeed your goal of creating a website from the start is to do business, creating a blog with relevant content can bring in more traffic and prospects, because  81% of buyers are sure to do online research before making a purchase.

The difference between Blogs and Websites

Many people think of blogs and websites as the same thing, moreover, there are many companies that use them at the same time so it might be quite confusing.

The difference between a blog and a website lies in the frequency of updates, the dynamics of the posts, and the descriptions of the posts. The blog has content that is always updated, with the publication date, author, category, and tags, while the website does not display it at all.

Blogs, as we have explained in the section on what is a blog above, have content that must be continuously updated and managed. You also have to use an attractive design to grab the audience’s attention and maximize potential, such as activating the comments column so that visitors can join in the discussion.

On the other hand,  a website is a web page that tends to be ‘static’, and not always updated. When you enter a blog, you will notice that the content is always up to date. It’s different when visiting a website, you can see that almost all of the content will remain the same for quite a long time.

So, do you understand what a blog is and how it differs from a website?


So, through a blog, you as a blogger can write down your views, opinions, and various other things that you do every day. In fact, you can turn it into a source of income, especially if you focus on a unique topic that will attract readers.

Likewise when you run a business or company. To increase customer awareness and trust, one of the best ways is to create an attractive blog that contains a variety of important information.

Hopefully, through this article, you can learn a lot about what a blog is. If you have an opinion or question, please submit it via the comments column below.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blogs

Can Blogs Make Money?

As we have mentioned above, the answer is yes, bloggers can earn money from the blogs they manage. Based on information from  Forbes, the 10 best blog sites can bring in income ranging from  $ 175,000  to  $ 14,000,000  per month. A very fantastic amount, right?

Where Do Bloggers Get Money?

After having a blog and diligently posting content to get lots of traffic, blog owners can create sponsored blog posts, display ads, or sell their own products and services.

Why Do People Make Blogs?

Blogs are a place for users to express opinions or personal feelings. But over time, its function is growing. In fact, you can now earn money from blogs!

For more articles like this one about What are Blogs? Definition of Blog, Blogging, and Blogger, keep coming back to this blog bloggernazruul.com You can find solutions to all of your blogging, SEO, windows, android, games, and guides-related difficulties here. Don’t forget to follow us on social media.🥰


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