Home Blogging 10+ Ways to Get Quality Backlinks for Websites 2024

10+ Ways to Get Quality Backlinks for Websites 2024


10+ Ways to Get Quality Backlinks for Websites – As a website owner, of course, you must know how to get quality backlinks to maximize your SEO efforts.

10+ Ways to Get Quality Backlinks for Websites

10+ Ways to Get Quality Backlinks for Websites 2024 

An effective backlink strategy helps increase the authority and ranking of a website, resulting in higher organic traffic. Unfortunately, not all backlinks have the same value and impact.

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Eits, don’t worry just yet! This article will explain 12 ways to get backlinks, which you can follow if you want to find quality backlinks. Immediately, let’s start the discussion below!

Backlinks are links on other websites whose purpose is to point to your website or one of its pages. Also known as inbound links, backlinks can be embedded in text, images, or CTA (call-to-action) buttons.

Well, backlinks have an important role in your website’s SEO, especially for:

  • Credibility. Google treats backlinks as endorsements of trust or recommendations for specific pages. If there are many websites that place backlinks to your website, it means that your website has relevant and credible content.
  • ranking. Backlinks are one of the determining factors for Google ranking. The more external links your website gets, the higher it will rank in search engines.
  • Accessibility. Search engines use links to find, crawl, and index your web pages more quickly.
  • Referral traffic. Backlinks provide more detailed information, recommendations, or materials related to certain topics. If there are popular domains referring to your content, some of their readers will also visit your site.

Useful Tips

There are many benefits to be gained from a high website ranking in the SERP. In this case, an affiliate is one of them because heavy traffic will certainly have a positive impact on your conversion rate and profits.

Before starting to discuss the topic of how to get backlinks, you must first know the characteristics of quality backlinks:

  • Influential. Backlinks must come from websites that have ‘high-authority’ domains, such as well-known and leading brand websites in their industry. Inbound links from websites that are full of spam and of low quality can actually harm your website’s reputation and SEO performance.
  • relevant. Google prioritizes backlinks from websites in the same niche. For example for websites about web development, backlinks from technology websites will be more valuable than backlinks from travel blogs. Relevant anchor text also helps readers understand the context of the link.
  • dofollow . Dofollow backlinks are very important for link-building efforts because they will also transfer link equity between web pages. On the other hand, nofollow backlinks do not transfer the influence of the source domain so they are of less benefit in terms of SEO for the destination website.
  • Derived from many sources. Google cares about the variety of sources compared to the number of links. So, 10 links from 10 different websites will be much better than 100 links from one source.

Now that you know the factors that affect the quality of backlinks, let’s get down to the main topic.

Here are 12 ways to get quality backlinks that you can try:

#1. Create Quality Unique Content

One of the most effective techniques in link-building is creating assets or content that other people will refer to. Quality content like this will usually attract a lot of organic links and is often shared by readers.

There are several types of quality assets to consider:

  • Online tools. Apart from providing benefits for readers, providing free tools can be an effective way to get backlinks. For example, a fitness website owner can create a nutritional value calculator to help visitors analyze their food menu.
  • Useful guide. Complete tutorial content has the potential to generate lots of backlinks to your website because any website can use it as a reference source to complement its content.
  • Research or study. Both through direct research and statistics from various sources, fact-based articles can help you find backlinks. Articles like this one provide relevant data that other bloggers and publishers can use to support their claims and arguments.

One example is the blogging statistics article below, which has managed to get more than 12,000 backlinks and has been shared 1,500 times on social media.

#2. Write Complete and Clear Guidelines

Good guide content should have sufficient article length to explain a particular topic in detail, including all related keywords, be concise, and not be verbose.

When writing how-to articles, try to cover timeless topics. Topics like these will remain relevant for a long time to come, so you can promote content without having to regularly do major updates.

After that, search for the target keywords on Google and do an analysis of the articles that appear from those keywords. Identify the structure, the keywords used, and the optimization strategy. Take advantage of this information to write SEO-friendly articles.

You also need to promote content after you’ve finished creating it. Look for other websites in the same niche, then try to contact them. Explain how your guide article can help their readers, then try to offer to place a link pointing to your website.

After that, do an analysis regarding which websites provide links to other articles, then try to offer your tutorial articles as a better alternative.

Infographics are representations of data in visual form. You also need to consider this content to get quality backlinks.

Yes, unique infographics can make your articles more interesting than competitors’ articles or other blogs, considering that there are millions of posts published every day.

Other important reasons to use infographics in your content strategy are:

Check out this example of an infographic on How Car Engines Work, which is able to turn complex information from the automotive world into content that is easy for ordinary people to understand. The content currently has more than 3,000 backlinks from 527 referring domains.

After the infographic is ready, don’t forget to post it on your website and share it on social media like Instagram and Pinterest to reach a wider audience.

#4. Write a Testimonial or Review

Testimonials also play an important role in building a brand reputation. This is because 95% of customers tend to read online reviews before buying something.

Write a review based on your experience using a tool or product. Later, the company that owns it may share your content directly on its platform as social proof.

You can also tell the owner of the tool or product that you reviewed it and then ask them to share your post with their audience.

For example, this review article by NerdWallet fully explains the pricing structure and key features of a financial company called TaxSlayer. According to data from Ahrefs, the review has racked up 6,000+ backlinks, including from TaxSlayer itself.

Listicle content is content that lists a number of products or brands arranged in a list as reviews or recommendations.

How to get quality backlinks through listicle content, you can start by looking for content that doesn’t include your website.

Use Google’s search operators to narrow search results based on specific targets by adding a minus symbol (-) to exclude your brand from the results.

For example, if you type in “website design inspiration – Behance ”, Google will return all results that don’t include Behance in their list.

After that, contact the content creator and ask them to include your website in their list. Give promising and rational reasons why your brand deserves to be included.

If your brand or website already has a large audience, find websites that mention your brand in their content but haven’t put a link to your website. Use SEO tools like Ahrefs :

  1. Open Content Explorer.
  2. Search for your brand name and exclude the address. For example: “brand” -site:yourwebsite.com.
  3. Click Highlight unlinked and enter your domain name.

This tool will show all pages that mention your brand but don’t put a link to your website. Filter the search results to find more relevant opportunities, contact the authors, then ask them to include a link to your website.

Apart from creating content, analyzing competitor profiles can also be a way to get effective quality backlinks. You can identify the best-performing content, keywords, and traffic sources.

Here’s how to do a link gap analysis to identify competitors’ backlink sources:

  1. In Ahrefs, access Site Explorer.
  2. Enter the competitor’s domain name.
  3. In the Backlink Profile section, click Backlinks.
  4. Select Dofollow and New.
  5. Select the Live links only option.

Ahrefs will provide a report on the backlinks owned by the competitor’s domain, along with keywords and monthly traffic for that page.

Use this data to identify any high-authority websites in your niche. Contact them and provide a plausible reason why your content is more relevant and of better quality than your competitors.

Next, look for guest post websites that competitors use to get backlinks and try to publish your articles on those websites as well.

#7. Start Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is one way to get quality backlinks by writing articles for other websites.

You can search for websites that offer guest posting opportunities with simple search terms on Google, using “keyword target + write for us”.

Then, go to each Write For Us page shown in the results and read their guest posting rules. Find their contact information and send them an email introducing yourself.

Include your article idea and explain the benefits they will get if they publish your guest post. Do this process with other prospects so that you are known as an expert and can get quality backlinks.

You can also get backlinks by finding broken links. Yup, links like these can be an effective SEO strategy.

Broken links are usually caused by pages being deleted, URLs being changed, and domain names expiring. Well, you can find broken links that point to competitor websites by doing these steps:

  1. Open Site Explorer on Ahrefs.
  2. Enter the web address.
  3. In the Backlink Profile section, click Broken. This tool will show broken website pages belonging to competitors.

Armed with this information, contact the domain that links to your competitor to report the broken link, then suggest that they replace it with your content link that is equally relevant to the topic.

#9. Join Business Organizations

You can learn from experts and get important insights to grow your business. This strategy can also be a way to get free backlinks because websites like this usually include links to their member websites.

If you have a local business, start by finding and joining an organization or community in your area. Then, ask the web administrator to include your website in their directory pages.

One example is The Chamber website below.

The page above displays all the websites owned by businesses located in Long Beach. When clicked, each category will display a list of companies along with their contact information and website link.

#10. Participate Actively in the Forum

You can also join discussion forums to get quality backlinks. This strategy not only helps build your reputation as an expert but also increases targeted traffic to your website.

Well, you can start by finding relevant forums in your niche that offer dofollow backlinks. Or, check competitor websites to find out which forums link to their website:

  • Open the Ahrefs Site Explorer and enter the competitor’s website.
  • In the Backlinks Profile section, click Backlinks.
  • Select Follow.
  • Enter “forum” in the search.
  • Select the Domain name filter, then click Show Results.

After this tool displays the results, create an account on the forum website and start being active there. Include a link to your website in the signature, and if possible, put a contextual link to your page related to the topic covered.

Plus, you can be active on popular question-and-answer platforms like Quora. Despite using nofollow links, these discussion websites help showcase your knowledge and skills to a wider audience.

#11. Make the Website a Journalist Reference

For this strategy, you need to create content that will serve as an important resource for leading media websites.

To do this, promote your content to journalists and news websites through Help a Reporter Out (HARO), a platform that connects you with media websites that need resources.

Register as a source and select one of the three available packages. We recommend the free plan first so you can understand how the platform works before deciding to upgrade.

After registering, you will receive an email from HARO containing requests from various news channels. This email usually contains the reporter’s name, industry, company, query, and special requirements.

Respond to relevant requests with the best methods and actionable tips according to the requirements. If your answer is selected, the news website will place your website link on their page.

#12. Use Google Search Console

If you already have backlinks, you still need to monitor their condition and performance. Use Google Search Console to analyze backlink profiles, identify 404 errors, and find new backlink-building opportunities:

  • Coverage Report. Check the Coverage report regularly to see if any website has placed links to deleted or broken pages on your website. Then, point the external link to the correct URL.
  • Top linking sites. This report shows what websites link to your page the most. Since they already mentioned your website on their page, contact the website and ask them to provide additional backlinks.
  • Top linked pages. This section shows the web pages that generate the most backlinks. Use this information to identify what type of content will best suit your link-building strategy.


Backlinks are a very important part of your SEO strategy. The more backlinks you get, the higher your website will rank on search results pages.

However, the number of backlinks is not the only determining factor in ranking; quality must also be ensured. External links from trusted sources will increase credibility, and spammy links will actually harm your website’s SEO and reputation.

For that, follow the following ways to get quality backlinks:

  • Create linkable assets, such as statistics, reports, case studies, infographics, and comprehensive guides.
  • Research other websites to apply link gap analysis and take advantage of broken links.
  • Ask other authors to list your website in their business directory pages or content listicles.
  • Write guest posts and testimonials.
  • Join journalist forums and websites, such as HARO.

Hopefully, this article can help you understand the importance of backlinks and how to get effective backlinks. If you have any other questions, our FAQ section below will answer them.

General Questions about How to Get Quality Backlinks

This section will answer some common questions about how to get backlinks.

What is meant by Quality Backlinks?

Quality backlinks are dofollow links from high-authority websites in your niche. This link gives the influence and value of the domain that refers to your website, thereby helping to increase your website’s ranking in search engines. In addition, anchor text must contain relevant keywords that describe your content.

Do YouTube Videos Include Backlinks?

Unfortunately, links from YouTube are usually nofollow links. Even if it doesn’t affect your SEO strategy directly, links like these are still valuable considering the potential for traffic from YouTube is quite high.

Do Backlinks Affect SEO?

Yes, quality backlinks will show Google that your website is highly relevant and credible so search engines will give it a higher ranking.

For more articles like this one about 10+ Ways to Get Quality Backlinks for Websites, keep coming back to this blog bloggernazruul.com You can find solutions to all of your blogging, SEO, windows, android, games, and guides-related difficulties here. Don’t forget to follow us on social media.🥰


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